Hey everybody. It is a one and only, it is Melanie Day here with You've Got Curls and Hair Loss Center. And I am sharing once again, some of my favorite hair care tips with you. 

So there are a lot of misconceptions I hear in my profession. One of the things I hear a lot is that you know, black hair just doesn't grow. It doesn't grow long, it just breaks it doesn't really do a lot. That's not really true. You know, the thing is, you gotta think about what your regimen is like. 

There are a lot of products that are on the market that are pushed and geared towards typing. And that's another thing I wanna get into that is a question that I get asked a lot, what curl type in mind, and if for anyone who comes and sits in my chair, I will tell you that I don't subscribe to the hair typing because I feel it's another way of dividing people.

It's another way of saying like, well, my hair is better than yours. Almost like colorism, you know, all shades of brown are beautiful, regardless of, you know, what shade you might be or all shades are beautiful, really. 

So let's get back to texture and then also density because there's a difference. And I’m going to use my favorite analogy for giving care tips, and compare hair to a fabric. 

So say for instance, when you think of fabrics, you have silk, you have cotton, you have wool, you have denim and you might have like a ball of really coarse steel wool. Right. I kind of want you to imagine hair in that way too. That hair is a fabric. So let's get out of that mindset of thinking of hair as ethnicity or as a race.

Because hair is a fabric and in every culture and every ethnicity, you're gonna find different types of fabrics of hair. And when you think of hair as a fabric that allows you to choose and to be selected with your products and not to fall into the marketing traps that these companies set out for consumers. When you realize the needs of your hair and your scalp, you will not fall into that trap. 

So remember, thinking of your hair as fabrics will help you to be a more educated consumer when choosing your products, and keep you from getting overwhelmed trying to make the right decisions, techniques, and tools for your hair. 

So I hope this was helpful once again, my name is Melanie Day, your favorite stylist here at You've Got Curls and Hair Loss Center. If this was helpful, let me know.